Monthly Archives: December 2013

A New Start.


Hello strangers! As you can see I haven’t looked at this blog in almost a year. So much has happened in that space of time, and I have grown up a lot ( though not too much 🙂 ). Although I didn’t take full advantage of this space properly before, I have now decided to give it a real go.

I have now  started my A Levels, in fact I have been doing them for a few months now. I take history, maths, art, and physics, and yes a know there a bit of a random mix, but they are all subjects I love to do and I really have no idea how I am going to decide which one to drop next year.

One thing that I have started to learn about this year, which is almost completely new to me, is photography. Id always been interested in the idea of photography and iv always experimented as much as I could on my own camera, (which is my gran’s old one, and not exactly cutting edge), but iv never really had any idea how it all works before – I just pointed and pressed the shutter. However, in September, in art we had a few lessons on the basics of photography, and I have just fallen in love. Now I find myself wanting to take photos everywhere I go, and since I am hoping for a camera for Christmas, I thought it would be a good idea for photography to be the main subject I am going to devote this blog to, that and my everyday discoveries.

So, I hope ill be seeing a lot more of you all, ill do my best to keep up with my word, and I am just going to ignore the fact that there is probably nobody reading this and just pretend. See you soon! 🙂